Lidman Ateljé is a family owned and operating art studio in striking surroundings of the north of Sweden.
Kicki Lidman is a jewellery designer and silver smith with sustainability and recycling in mind. Her latest silver collection LIV (Life) is a celebration to women who has the gift, power and bravery of giving birth - and to new humans entering this world. The inspiration came to life when she found out that she was going to become a grandmother. The collection LIV has been very appreciated by the public and has already been part of well-renowed exhibitions in the north.
Kicki started as a ceramicist, and has always been intrigued by unique craftsmanship. When it came to her attention that beautiful porcelain with small flaws was thrown in the trash - designed by famous Swedish artists at porcelain factories such as Gustavsberg and Rörstrand - she decided to recycle and use these pieces as part of her silver designs.
The art studio is run together with Staffan Lidman, one of the norths most established artists with watercolour as his passion. Staffans art and his way of capturing the beauty of his hometown is very appreciated by the public. His raw talent was discovered early, and his passion for art lead him into professional training in oil painting and water colour. He’s been part of well-renowed exhibitions both in the north and in the capitol of Sweden and his art is represented in several public settings.